Is it possible to run a wavelength division multiplexing system remotely?

Difficult times require creative solutions and engagement from both sides - from the solution provider and the client.

Is it possible to run a wavelength division multiplexing system remotely?It was checked out by one of our clients who completed the purchasing process last March and chose Salumanus’s offer for the implementation of encrypted transmission between two data centres. It could have been quite an ordinary deployment, if it hadn’t been for the fact that the system had to be delivered and installed in 4 weeks and during the epidemic period when there are a number of restrictions.

What were the bank’s requirements about the system?The system is to work on two independent optical paths with several transmissions of 10GbE, 40GbE as well as 16G Fibre Channel on each path. In addition, all transmissions had to be encrypted with respect to the sensitivity of the transmitted data and simultaneously, the delay generated by the devices had to be reduced to a minimum.

How to go, when you’re not allowed to go?
It turned out that the deadlines could not be moved and the system had to be deployed in March. Due to the fact that non-standard situations require non-standard solutions, together with the client we agreed to do remote installation, however unbelievable it sounds. At the beginning, we provided remote training with the focus on operation, configuration and monitoring of our devices’ parameters. Then, pre-configuration, detailed instruction... and with a little remote help, our client deployed the system himself!

Difficult times require creative solutions and engagement from both sides - from the solution provider and the client. At Salumanus, we work intermittently supporting our partners and helping them build leading telecommunication networks.

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