Nasze usługi.


Dzielimy się wiedzą i doświadczeniem zdobytym podczas 20 lat aktywności na rynku telekomunikacyjnym. Wykorzystujemy autorskie metodologie wdrożeniowe i skuteczne praktyki by wspierać naszych Partnerów biznesowych na każdym etapie projektu. Naszymi parterami są: Data Center, firmy telekomunikacyjne, integratorzy systemów teleinformatycznych i dostawcy Internetu.

Solutions audit and needs analysis.

We analyse your network environment in detail.We determine the effectiveness of your solutions,identify problems and propose solutions.

We are accelerating networks to 400G.

We put proven solutions in your hands.

Testing network performance
and quality.

In our laboratory, we create your planned, target network. We identify its strengths and eliminate its weaknesses at the same time.

Equipment hire.

We make the equipment available so that you can test our solutions yourself. Also, if your equipment fails, we rent ours. In this way, you maintain business continuity.

We support you at every stage of the project.

We respond to your needs.

Implementation of solutions.

Our engineers provide support at every stage of implementation. Their presence makes the implementation of solutions comfortable for you.

Project development.

We care about your future. Trust us and we will show you the avenues and possibilities for the further development of your projects. We are always one step ahead of the market, client needs and technological advancement.

Our components are always of the highest quality.

We help ensure the profitability of all your implementations.

Training and counselling.

We share our expertise during private consultations, as well as within the framework of our educational programmes. We have our own research and training rooms.